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Our two beatniks pitter patter a Thinking of You Beat Poem.
Thinking of You #2 - "Cowboy Bob"
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Cowboy Bob sings this sweet Thinkin' of You Yodel No.2 with a tip of his Ten Gallon Hat to one of the Truly Great: Jimmy Rogers, The Yodelin' Brakeman.
Thinking of You - "De la Noche"
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The astounding Spanish lover, De la Noche, sings a thinking of you song to his adored one.
Thinking of You - "Way Up North"
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Our climate researcher from Northern Canada is braving the cold to send a thinking of you video for her favorite person.
More Cowboy Bob eCards
Mother's Day #2 - "Singin' Cowboy Bob"
Views: 4717
Cowboy Bob and his friend Spitoon the horse yodel and warble and sweet song for Mother's Day.
Christmas #2 - "Cowboy Bob"
Views: 8391
The singing cowboy and his horse, Spitoon, sing and yodel the beautiful Noel.
Birthday - "Singin' Cowboy Bob"
Views: 7714
Singin' Cowboy Bob and his odoriferous horse, Spitoon, yodel a birthday eCard greeting to you and yours.
Christmas - "Singin' Cowboy Bob"
Views: 8982
Singin' Cowboy Bob and Spitoon the Wonderhorse round-up a very special Christmas surprise for y'all.
Thinking of You - "Singin' Cowboy Bob" Close Captioned
Views: 8895
Singin' Cowboy Bob and his horse Spitoon, yodel their way through a "Thinking of You" song. Light outhouse humor. -- Closed Caption
Thinking of You #2 - "Cowboy Bob"
Views: 7955
Cowboy Bob sings this sweet Thinkin' of You Yodel No.2 with a tip of his Ten Gallon Hat to one of the Truly Great: Jimmy Rogers, The Yodelin' Brakeman.
Register to Vote - "Cowboy Bob"
Views: 4394
The singin' cowboy and his spittin' horse make it easy to register to vote. This website appears at the end of the card: https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote
Congratulations - "Singin' Cowboy Bob"
Views: 4473
Pullin' into town, Cowboy Bob andhis horse, Spitoon, strum and singa congratulatory tune.
Yodel this Passover with our Singing Passover ecard starring Cowboy Bob.
Views: 5763
Cowboy Bob and his Passover horse, Shlomo, head up to Freedom's Butte to yodel a Pesach tune.. This is sweet singing for a triumphant holiday.
Mother's Day - "Singin' Cowboy Bob"
Views: 5746
Just what your Mama wanted for Mother's Day...a yodelin' cowboy and a horse named Spitoon.
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